GRADE 1,2, 3, 4 & 5

Class 1 Kindergarten



Our first grade is a year of transition, growth and responsibility. Students show accelerated change over the course of the year in handwriting, reading and Math.  They are also introduced to writing, structured writing and Comprehension. Other subjects in first grade includes Social studies, Language arts, science, computer, art and music.

Second grade is a year of full growth where students become more aware of their academic development, and their knowledge of the world around them grows. They stretch academically as they master math, science, social studies, language arts and music throughout the year. They are introduced to critical thinking and creative writing.

The objective of creative writing is to entertain, to foster artistic expression; to explore the and values of writing; to stimulate imagination; to clarify thinking; to search for identity; and to learn to read and write. Students learn about pre-writing, drafting, revision, editing and proofreading, publishing

Lastly, second grade is a magical year full of accomplishments, challenges, and fun. Our students will fondly remember this year.

Third Grade is also memorable. Students learn to be more responsible and independent. There are many firsts in third grade.

  • We start using hardcover books
  • We get letter grades
  • We learn cursive handwriting
  • We have field trips
  • And many more activities
  • It’s a challenging curriculum as we learn many new things.

Problem solving is integrated through the six strands of mathematics. Rounding numbers, Measurement, Multiplication, Division, Geometry, Fractions & decimals.

Students participate in a variety of hands on investigations to study life, physical and earth sciences. They will use a variety of science processes to explore the world around them.

English & English Composition
Students continue to develop skills in both oral and written language.

Language Arts
The elementary language arts program utilizes quality literature to support students in their reading, writing, listening and speaking development. We also learn so much more which includes Social studies, Art, Music and Computer.

Fourth and Fifth Grade is also a very busy and exciting year! Your child will try to uncover hidden treasure in some of the most famous events in History. They will work to find the answers to science’s most burning questions. We will search for better problem solving techniques in math and continue to develop in our reading and writing.