We offer a number of extra- curricular programs. These programs are conducted by outside vendors. They work with the school to offer specially designed activities to enhance your child’s experience during their growing years. This is the perfect opportunity for busy parents to have your child participate in these activities at school itself without having to drive them around.

Karate for Kids

Learn the art of self defense. Sign up for Karate with Sensei Eli Contact Sensei Eli on (818)- 398-6128 or e-mail on 4oyouth@gmail.com. Every Monday from  3:00 to 4:00 pm.

Karate Enrollment Form

Dance with Ms Sandi

Dance like you've never danced before with Ms Sandi. Contact Ms Sandi on (818)-398-6128 or e-mail on 4oyouth@gmail.com. Every Thursday from 3:00 to 4:00pm.

Dance Enrollment Form

Amazing Athletes

Learn many different sports with @Amazing Athletes. Please contact Amy Romberger on (323) 397 0731 or e-mail amy@amazingathetes.com
Please contact the school for sign up forms.

Athletes Enrollment form


Learn French with Ms. Nathalie. Register online at thaliegardner@hotmail.com

Extra Activities